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The Impact of Covid-19 on Households and Firms in the MENA Region - Day 2
The Impact of Covid-19 on Households and Firms in the MENA Region
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 in the MENA Region: Labor Market, Firms and Households
Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 in the MENA Region: Labor Market, Firms and Households
Estimating the Effects of COVID-19 on Households and Firms in Jordan
COVID-19’s socio-economic impact on migrants and displaced populations - Session 2
COVID-19 in the MENA Region: Addressing the Impacts of the Pandemic and the Road to Recovery
Impact of COVID-19 on households
ERF 27th Annual Conference: Special Panel 1 – The Impact of COVID-19
The Impact of Covid-19 on business in the Middle East: MEED update 4 | MEED
Mitigating the Long Lasting Economic Impacts from COVID19 in the Middle East and North Africa
Covid-19 in the Middle East: Regional Impact and Future Recovery